Thanks to You
To all the individuals and families who gave equipment, gear, thoughts, prayers and financial gifts. You know who you are!
The Coleman Company
Arizona Elk Society
Arizona Deer Association
Phoenix Chapter SCI
Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society
Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation
Youth Hunting Club of Minnesota
Otto & Edna Neely Foundation
The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation
Bess Spiva Timmons Foundation
The J. Anderson Foundation
The Thunderbirds
Tucson Electric Power Co.
Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station
Shining Times Carwash
The Hartford
Debra Speakes Enterprises LLC
The Lion’s Den – Pinetop
Unity Church of Practical Christianity
To the Organizers, Table Sponsors, Raffle Donors,
and ALL attendees and participants at Casino Nite!!